Out of This World Shelf Sitters
Summer is almost upon us, we here at the 5 Minute Librarian would like to help make things a little easier for you while you're trying to plan, promote, and implement programs, paint windows, take photos, encourage a love of literacy, and generally manage the hectic pace that accompanies summertime in the libraries. How can we help? With some easy displays!
We know you loved the shelf-sitters and staff pick bookmarks we wrote about before, so we decided to jazz them up with this summer's theme: A UNIVERSE OF STORIES!
You can, of course, make your own. All of these were made using Canva.
A shelf-sitter is a little piece of advertising material that sits right on your shelf with a book. You simply cut out around the design, fold down the remainder of the paper, and the tag sticks up in front of the book you want to highlight. These are great for displays, and also work well in the stacks, where you can call addition to particular titles with ease. Just right-click and save the files to print.
You can also download these as a PDF here!
You can fill out the bookmark and leave it on the shelf where it lives, or on a display. Alternately, leave a small stack of these next to your book return, and let your patrons fill one out when they find a book they love. (Yes, let them do the work for you!)
You can download the bookmarks as a PDF here!
And, of course, no display is complete without signs. Here are a few simple variations on our theme to make things easy for you.

You can download the signs as a PDF here!
Please let us know if you enjoyed these! You can comment here on the blog, on our Facebook page, or on Twitter.
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