Last year, we wrote a post highlighting all of the Facebook Groups that are for Public Librarians. We recently updated the list and wanted to highlight below our new additions! Some of these groups are new and some we recently found! A few have been added since our original posting, so we included them below in cased you missed them.
Happy Facebooking!
COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT place to ask for collection development suggestions and support.
413 members
DIGITAL LIBRARIANS & DEVELOPERS IN THE STACKS lab for digital librarian developers—a place where new tech products and services for libraries and communities, media and publishing, are created and innovated—and a space for discussion. This is also our informal pool of librarian developer contractors we will go to when we need to hire for short-term, freelance, contract work. Thanks for allowing us to add you :)
269 members
FLANNEL FRIDAY to Flannel Friday's Facebook page! FF is a non-profit* international group of librarians and educators working together to share quality beyond-the-book experiences for children.
2,652 members
ILLERS; A FB GROUP FOR INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIANS is a place where you can post anything related to the libraries' resource sharing activities.
673 members
INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS Intellectual Freedom Fighters (IFF) want to get Intellectual Freedom issues on the minds, hearts, and tongues of the wider library community. We want to inform you about these issues and provoke tough conversations. We intend to create change in the wider library world. The IFF is an outgrowth of the ever-vigilant ALA Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT), which has been protecting your freedoms since 1973. [...] The IFF Group is here to get the whole library community thinking about Intellectual Freedom questions. We all face difficult issues and scary situations sometime, let's face them together. Comments are eagerly solicited, although uncivil or off topic posts may be deleted.
New Group! 58 members
LIBRARIAN MEMES TO BE CONFUSED WITH LIBERTARIAN MEMES This is a group for sharing all your library, school, and learning memes! Invite your friends!
2,188 members
LIBRARY CONS AND FESTS group for libraries and librarians to share information related to holding conventions and festivals of all kinds, from book fairs to comic cons.
313 members
LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE Communications Conference Group - join in the conversation about issues related to library outreach and communications. The Library Communications Conference connects marketing, public relations, special events, fundraising, outreach, and program development professionals for public and academic libraries.
590 members
LIBRARY MANAGEMENT GROUP group is for topics related to library management- supervising, programming, budgets, advocacy, outreach, etc. Feel free to ask for advice, start a conversation, or rant. Though this is intended to be a safe environment, please be careful when discussing sensitive personnel matters. No sales pitches, advertising, bullying, harassment, or any other obnoxious behaviors will be tolerated.
1,260 members
LIBRARY POKÉMON GO SUPPORT #POKELIBRARY for libraries who are experimenting with Pokémon GO programming and outreach. What to share here: your program ideas, your publicity samples, your event photos, news and commentary, funny memes appropriate for use on social media, research and analysis, trends you notice,and anything else you think might be helpful.
946 members
LIBRARIES STEP UP (IN TIMES OF CRISIS) mission is to kick ass and save the day, library-style. We're a centralized location for collecting and disseminating information about urgent political or natural disasters' effects on libraries and library services.
524 members
Music Librarians music librarians!
453 members
REFORMA THINK TANK to the REFORMA Think Tank. REFORMA is the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking. In this space, librarians, community members, and activists who serve the Latino and Spanish speaking communities in the United States and beyond will be able to share ideas, recommendations, and benchmarks to support each other in providing better services to our communities.
556 members
SOLO LIBRARIANS NETWORK librarians (and librarians who work in small libraries) can come here to share ideas and engage in discussion. Librarians in any sort of institution (public, academic, school, corporate) are welcome!
319 members
TATTOOED LIBRARIANS librarians with tattoos!
1,320 members
ZINE LIBRARIANS group to talk about zine librarianship! How to build a collection, how to catalogue zines, how to organize zine events, and more! All zine librarians and archivists are welcome: academic, digital, DIY, public, school, volunteer, etc.
263 members
For more groups and to see the complete list of Facebook for Librarians, please visit our original post: